Brad came in to experience his first Nuru Massage. He wasn't disappointed, I can tell you that much! From the moment he laid eyes on Casana he knew this would be a bullseye. She greeted him in her underwear and immediately started to undress him. He just let her do her thang. She gave him a sensual kiss and sucked his hard rod so he moaned. Then she rode his dick and got him into the bathtub for some more sex, before they went to the mattress so he could get the actual massage. She couldn't keep away from him there either, she started to suck his dick once again!
Get ready for a low budget porn scene! All the action takes place on a couch in a back room, just like the good old days of porn. It can be boring to watch those kinda scenes over time but when it's just once in a while I like it :)
She shows of her nice buns in a thong then gets naked so she's ready for some hardcore action. Her fuck buddy for the day had a big cock so she got down on her knees immediately to suck him. Then they got up on the small couch and he pounded her doggystyle, it looked really nice! She rode his dick and he pounded her more, even harder this time.